Saturday, February 21, 2009

Feb 21, 2009

Sorry it has been a few days...I really wanted to try to post everyday BUT sometimes life gets a little busy :)
I really haven't been hungry like before and yet I continue to eat 3-4 meals a day because I have the urge to. Obviously they are all small and the scale is operating at a snails pace! It is moving in the right direction...down so I am happy.
I have started tracking the food I eat everyday with this awesome
It is free and easy once you get going. I want to lose 3 lbs a week so I can consume around 1600 calories a day. I am using this as just another tool to help me with my weight loss. The surgery is not going to work if I consume high calorie foods in small amounts and the procedure is not the answer/cure. I have to be diligent in my efforts for this to be effective. It is about changing your life and eating habits!
My sister had gastric bypass and had major complications and a lot of interesting side effects (dumping, puking, hair loss etc) so I knew I did not want to go that route BUT when I decided to participate in the study, I thought that the way I would have to eat is similar to that of my sister. NOT SO! Because the surgery is simply making a smaller pouch in our stomach rather than rerouting and removal of major organs, food is still processed the same as always. I have to watch the amount of food that I eat at one sitting because if I eat too much, I feel really uncomfortable and I worry about doing damage. Can you undo the toga? hmmm?
Hi Yolanda!!! It is so great that you found my blog! I was hoping to create a network of people who are in the study so we can compare experiences/information. Please create a blog about kinda makes you accountable which can help:) Where are you having the surgery? Please feel free to ask q's and I would like to follow your blogs.
Good Luck to you!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Kathy,

    It is good to hear from you again (on your blog) I was so worried we loss you! Your updated statements has truly inspired me. I am excited about participating in the TOGA clinical trials. I am getting it done at Columbia University Medical Center in New York City.

    Tell me Kathy, do you think for sure you got the procedure done or do you think you are in the control group? Does it matter to you at this point?

    I am curious to know what was your starting weight, starting the TOGA process, what is your goal ending the TOGA process? For me I am starting at 250 lbs and my goal weight is 130-140 lbs. Based on your experience so far do you think it is reasonable to loss 100lbs on this procedure in one year?

    I have truly benefited from your insights on your blog so I am thinking seriously about creating a blog. I wonder why you have not provided a visual image so your followers can see your process. I guess there is plenty time for that, huh! Please keep us posted. I am excited for you and myself with this state of the art new science that could change millions life's! Yolanda
