Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Feb 18, 2009

Yesterday was tough! I kept trying to push the envelope with food to see if I could tell what would happen if I overate. I don't know if it is a self sabotage thing with me or not BUT I always do this. The not knowing for sure whether I have had the procedure is killing me! Yes, I am eating less BUT it seems I can eat more than what they told me with no real side effect like described in all the info.
Anyways, if I am going to do this I have to accept the fact that I will not know, with 100% certainty, until the study is over. Period! No more second guessing and trying to out smart everyone and prove to them and myself that I know...I figured it out so...HA !!!
Today I ate exactly 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1/2 cup pineapple and 1 hard boiled egg in a 4.5 hour period. The scale shows me down either 6.5 or 7.5 lbs so I guess something is working!


  1. Updates! How you are feeling? Do you think it was worth it? My name is Yolanda and I am scheduled for the same procedure on March 2. I am curious how are things going for you!

  2. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! Please don't sabotage it!!! You've waited so long for this!!! I'm so rooting for you!!! and 7 lbs wow thats great!!!
